

Ribner, A., Ahmed, S.F., Miller-Cotto, D., & Ellis, A. (2023) The role of executive function in shaping the longitudinal stability of math achievement during early elementary grades. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 84-93. [PDF]

Ribner, A., Silver, A., Elliott, L., & Libertus, M.E. (2023). Exploring effects of an early math intervention: The importance of parent-child interaction. Child Development, 94(2), 395-410.  [PDF]

Mielicki, M.K., Wilkey, E.D., Scheibe, D.A., Fitzsimmons, C.J., Sidney, P.G., Bellon, E., Ribner, A.D., Soltanlou, M., Starling-Alves, I., Coolen, I., Ansari, D., Thompson, C.A. (in press). Task features change the relation between math anxiety and number line estimation performance with rational numbers: Two large-scale online studies. Manuscript accepted at Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Preprint: 


Ribner, A., Devine, R.T., Hughes, C., Blair, C., & The New Fathers and Mothers Study Team. (2022). Mothers’ and fathers’ executive function both predict emergent executive function in toddlerhood. Developmental Science, 00, e13263. [PDF] 

Lau, N.T., Wilkey, E.D., Soltanlou, M., Lagacé Cusiac, R., Peters, L., Tremblay, P., Goffin, C., Alves, I.S., Ribner, A.D., Thompson, C. and Van Hoof, J. (2022). Numeracy and COVID-19: Examining interrelationships between numeracy, health numeracy and behaviour. Royal Society Open Science, 9(3), 201303. [PDF]

Blum, M. & Ribner, A. (2022). Parents' Expressed Emotions and Children's Executive Functions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 219, 105403. [PDF]

Li, W., Devine, R.T., Ribner, A., Emmen, R.A.G., Woudstra, M.J., Branger, M.C.E., Wang, L., Alink, L.R.A., van Ginkel, J. & Mesman, J. (2022). The role of infant attention and parental sensitivity in infant cognitive development in the Netherlands and China. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 215. [PDF]


Miller-Cotto, D., Smith, L., Wang, A., & Ribner, A. (2021). Changing the Conversation: A Culturally Responsive Perspective on Executive Functions, Minoritized Children, and Their Families. Infant and Child Development, e2286. [PDF]

Libertus, M.E., Duong, S., Fox, D., Elliott, L., McGregor, R., Ribner, A., & Silver, A.M. (Forthcoming). A rational explanation for links between the ANS and math. Commentary accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Ribner, A. & Libertus, M.E. (In Principle Acceptance, Stage 1 Registered Report). Mechanisms Underlying Transfer from Domain-Specific and Domain-General Cognitive Training to Children’s Math Skills. Provisionally accepted at Child Development. Pre-print available:

Ribner, A., Coulanges, L., Friedman, S., Libertus, M.E., & i-FAMS Team. (2021). Screen time in the COVID era: International trends of increasing use among 3- to 7-year-old children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 239. [PDF]

Möhring, W., Ribner, A. D., Segerer, R., Libertus, M. E., Kahl, T., Troesch, L. M., & Grob, A. (2021). Developmental trajectories of children's spatial skills: Influencing variables and associations with later mathematical thinking. Learning and Instruction, 75, 101515.  [PDF].

Braren, S., Perry, R., Ribner, A., Brandes-Aitken, A., Brito, N., Blair, C., & The NewFAMs Study Team. (2021). Prenatal Father-Mother Cortisol Co-Regulation Predicts Infant Executive Functions at 24 Months. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(7), e22151. [PDF]

Ribner, A.*, & McHarg, G.* (2021). Screens across the pond: Findings from longitudinal screen time research in the US and UK. Manuscript accepted for publication at Infant Behavior and Development. [PDF]

Reynvoet, B., Ribner, A. D., Elliot, L., Van Steenkiste, M., Sasanguie, D., & Libertus, M. E. (2021). Making Sense of the Relation between Number Sense and Math. Journal of Numerical Cognition. [PDF]


Braeuning, D., Ribner, A., Moeller, K., & Blair, C. (2020). The multifactorial nature of early numeracy and its stability. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2965. [PDF]

McHarg, G.*, Ribner, A.*, Devine, R.T., & Hughes, C. (2020). Screen time and executive function in toddlerhood: A longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. [PDF]

Barr, R., Kirkorian, H., Radesky, J., Coyne, C., Nichols, D., Blanchfield, O., Rusnak, S., Stockdale, L, Ribner, A., Durnez, J., Epstein, M., Heimann, M., Koch, F., Sundqvist, A., Birberg-Thornberg, U., Konrad, C., Slussareff, M., Bus, A., Bellagamba, F., & Fitzpatrick, C. Beyond Screen Time: A synergistic approach to a more comprehensive assessment of family media exposure during early childhood. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. [PDF

Ribner, A., Barr, R.F., & Nichols, D.L. (2020). Background media use is negatively related to language and literacy skills: Indirect effects of self-regulation. Pediatric Research. [PDF]

Ribner, A., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Liben, L. S. (2020). Mothers’ distancing language relates to young children’s math and literacy skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. [PDF]

Hughes, C., Devine, R. T., Foley, S., Ribner, A. D., Mesman, J., & Blair, C. (2020). Couples becoming parents: Trajectories for psychological distress and buffering effects of social support. Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 372-380. [PDF]

McHarg, G., Ribner, A., Devine, R., Hughes, C. & the New Fathers and Mothers Study Team. (2020). Infant screen exposure links to toddlers' inhibition, but not other EF constructs: A propensity score study. Infancy, 25(2), 205-222. [PDF]

Braren, S., Brandes-Aitken, A., Ribner, A., Perry, R., & Blair, C. (2020). Maternal Psychological Stress Moderates Diurnal Cortisol Linkage in Expectant Fathers and Mothers during the Last Trimester of Pregnancy. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 111. [PDF]

Ribner, A. (2020). Executive function facilitates learning from math instruction in kindergarten: Evidence from the ECLS-K. Learning and Instruction, 65. [PDF]


Ribner, A., McHarg, G., & the New Father and Mothers Study Team. (2019). Why won’t she sleep? Screen exposure and sleep patterns in early infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 57. [PDF]

Hughes, C., Foley, S., Devine, R. T., Ribner, A., Kyriakou, L., Holmes, E., & The New Fathers and Mothers Study Team. (2019). Worrying in the wings: Mothers’ and fathers’ negative emotional birth memories show similar associations with perinatal mood disturbance. Archive of Women’s Mental Health, 1-7. [PDF]

Devine, R., Ribner, A., & Hughes, C. (2019). Measuring and Predicting Individual Differences in Executive Functions at 14 Months. Child Development, 90(5), 618-636. [PDF]

Ribner, A., Harvey, E, Gervais, R., & Fitzpatrick, C. (2019). Explaining school entry math and reading achievement in Canadian children using the Opportunity-Propensity framework. Learning and Instruction, 59, 65-75. [PDF]

Slusser, E., Ribner, A., & Shusterman, A. (2019). Language counts: Early language mediates the relationship between parent education and children's math ability. Developmental Science, 22(3), e12773. [PDF]


Ribner, A., Moeller, K., Willoughby, M., Blair, C., & Family Life Project Key Investigators. (2018). Cognitive Abilities and Mathematical Competencies at School Entry. Mind, Brain, and Education, 12(4), 175-185. [PDF]


Ribner, A., Willoughby. M., Blair, C., & FLP Key Investigators. (2017). Executive function predicts late elementary school academic skills. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 8. [PDF]

Ribner, A., Fitzpatrick, C., & Blair, C. (2017). Family socioeconomic status moderates the association of television exposure with school readiness skills. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 38(3), 233-239.  [PDF]